Jul 9, 2009

Crunch Top Fruit Salad with Creamy Dressing

Summer is my favorite season and I am almost always happy when it comes! Tis the season for swimming, salad, icy desserts and just a longer bright day everyday. Although the extra heat generated sometimes can make one get tired easier, it is also this heat which is so fascinating that it makes me feel energetic! I remember that when I had a pet, a really lovely Dutch rabbit, she liked to lay under the sun, stretched out her arms and legs, and she looked totally comfortable and relaxed! She ate a lot, did not like to be held, and so sweet that I liked her very much! I'll post her picture later on my blog!

Back to food, this morning I have made a fruit salad for breakfast, and it tasted very nice and refreshing that I can't wait to share it on here. It's really simple and quick to make, I've learned to make it in high school home econ., and you almost always have these ingredients on hand so it makes a convenient and delicious treat any time of the day!

Crunchy Top Fruit Salad



Quick oats or Oatmeal ...............1/2 cup
Butter or Margarine...................20ml
Brown Sugar...............................1/4 cup
Cinnamon...................................1 tsp.


Plain Yogurt (or Sour cream)......1/2 cup
Sugar............................................1 Tbsp.
Orange Juice (optional)...............1 Tbsp.

Fresh Fruit (Most types of fruit will be fine):

e.g. 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 kiwi, 1/4 melon, with 20 ml of lemon juice


1/2 cup of blueberries, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1 cup of mango

*In the picture there are wild blueberries, pitahaya, and mangoes. Yummmm!


1. Preheat oven to 375F. Mix together topping ingredients and spread them over evenly on a baking sheet and bake for about eight minutes till golden and crunchy. (Oatmeal is faster to cook than Quick Whole Oats!)

2. Chop fruits into bite size equal pieces, mix lightly and well, and place in serving bowls.

3. In a medium bowl, mix dressing ingredients together. Divide evenly over fruit salad.

4. Sprinkle topping over fruit and serve fresh!

A bientôt!


  1. Mmmmm...... This is great, I'm hungry now. I think would work great with granola. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Thanks, it's good to hear from you!


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